Subscription to Newsletter and Information

AGM Meetings

Family Fun Day Press releases

Interviews with Credit Union Leaders

Newsletter- Credit Unions in Motion

2023 Newsletters
Parametric Insurance- Your Hurricane
Protection Solution
Volume 15 May Edition


2022 Newsletters
The importance of Insurance Regulations.
Volume 14 July Edition

How Prepared Are You For Burial Expense?
Volume 13 February Edition

Principle of Good Faith – 1,2
Volume 12 January Edition

2021 Newsletters
Uninsurable Risk
Volume 11 November Edition

Are you Covered?
Volume 10 August Edition

The Role of Risk in Insurance
Volume 9 July Edition

Volume 8 June Edition

Do We Know Enough About Volcanos in the Caribbean?
Volume 7 May Edition

Are Caribbean Islands impacted by Climate Change, and how are Credit Unions dealing with its impact?
Volume 6 April Edition

How is COVID 19 impacting the Caribbean Economies, and how can Credit Unions respond?
Volume 5 March Edition

Do you know the Difference between Life Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance?
Volume 4 February Edition

Sharpen Your Financial Tool Kit
Volume 3 January Edition

2020 Newsletters
Features of an Insurance Contract
Volume 3 December Edition

Dependable Insurance When You Need it Most
Volume 2 November Edition

Keeping Good Body and Mind Alignment
Volume 1 October Edition

2018 Newsletters
Corp-EFF Insurance: An Indigenous Caribbean Company on the Rise August 2018

2018 Essay Competition Press Release 

2018 Competition Essays

Zinielle Vital – Convent High School

Jeressa Latoya Jeremy – Dominica State College

Aidan Bruney – North Eastern Comprehensive School